We are within a period of great changes

The premise of the world being in a time of great change is nothing new.  However, what the coming changes will look like and the eventual outcome has been the subject of heated debates. There are some points of consensus among these various awakening groups. Most will agree that we are within a period of great and perilous change. There seems to be little agreement as to the nature, rate and timeline of these impending changes.

Even among the general population, a growing uncomfortable sense that our current system is failing. Our traditional ways of life being threatened by unsustainable actions and agendas of those in positions of power. Most have a sense that our political leaders are compromised, corrupt and betraying the people who entrusted them with the sacred duties of governance.  Throughout human history there have been numerous empires which attained a high levels of success and prosperity. All have eventually fallen as a result of the inevitable pattern of human vulneratiblity to the Seven Crooks of the Spine. The equivalent is referenced is western societies as the Seven Cardinal Sins. The resulting behaviors inevitably become unsustainable. Decline, death and destruction the repeating final stages of all great civilizations in history.

As a society declines

The Western civilizations have been experiencing periods of booms and busts throughout its rise. The United States reached the pinnacle aspirations of an empire. An greatest economic and military power in modern history. However, the American empire is in decline, its position threatened by the rising power of China and Russia.

During the last election cycle, there were calls to “make America great again”.  While this was presented as a campaign slogan, it also captured the general concern of the population. An awareness of a rapid decline in the quality of life and traditional social norms. This sense of decline has been politically sensationalized, opposing sides blaming individuals rather than acknowledging what is their bipartisan, shared destructive legacy.


Prophesied by ancient indigenous cultures worldwide.

blue star kachina
Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy

The actual onset to this sense of decline is difficult to pinpoint,  even if we were able to put partisan politics aside. People from differing political ideologies, seem to concur that there is a problem. There is shared sentiment that something needs to be done now to stop the perpetual decline that is occurring on a global scale. The decline that is being experienced worldwide seems to transcend any single country, or empire. Instead we are experiencing a shift on a global scale, that was prophesied by ancient indigenous cultures worldwide.

Politics and Religion have historically divided humanity. These two institutions threaten to once again bring decline, destruction and collapse to the world within our time. Those who are aware are shining light upon darkness and exposing truth against great resisitance. How do we successfully share truth with a society that remains largely under a spell? Those who shine light upon the darkness are the sages of this time period. Historically, societies have not treated its messengers of truth with open arms.

 Has humanity been programmed

dna eyePolitics and Religion has been used as a weapon in our collective history.  An effective weapon to repress critical thinking and create prosperity for a select few in positions of authority. Humanity suffers repeatedly at the hands of those corrupt individuals drawn to power. Is it power that corrupts, or the natural condition of those drawn to it?

Societies repeat the pattern of enabling the existing paradigms of corruption, rather than awakening to the truth of this reality.  It’s as though humanity has been programmed to follow an established prime directive.  A hard wired program that requires the human population to give away its personal power and ability for critical thinking all in exchange for some false sense of security.

Could a program exist within our DNA, a primordial program that has hinder us from reaching our highest potential as a species? If such a program exists within or DNA, than perhaps we are capable and willing to change our internal program? Within this operating systems we may recognize our propensities for certain universal behaviors, patterns and limiting beliefs.

The secrets within our DNA

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The Council Fire

If we hope to free ourselves as a species, than we must explore ways to crack these codes, and thereby begin rewriting our internal programing. We are observing the evolution of modern computers as they begin to realize their potential for Artificial Intelligence.

It is time to explore the divine intelligence that lies dormant within each of us. Hidden within each of us, are competing internal programs. We must transcend the intrusive ones, in order to attain our highest potential.

Early idigeonous peoples were aware of these internal conflicts that are always competing for our hearts and minds. The tale of Two Wolves is one such poignant example of the wisdom our ancient relatives.

In this tale/ proverb, a grandfather and his grandson are sitting together having a conversation. Grandfather shares with his grandson that there are two wolves that live within every man. One wolf represents everything good, beautiful and of love within the person. The other wolf represents everything wicked, ugly an cruel. These two wolves are engaged in bitter battle with each other. The young grandson, who is now very conserned with this battle being waged within him asks, grandfather, which wolf is going to win? The grandfather looks deeply in the young boys eyes and says, “Whichever wolf you feed.”

The Iroquois Nation were a confederacy of five North American native tribes that came together as one. The Five tribes were bound by what is known as the Great Law of Peace. Within the great law of peace, is the foundation and blue print for an egalitarian system of governance. This system is a circle model, where its members worked to build consensus rather than majority rule. Within their system, the Seven Crooks of the Spine identified. These Seven vices are the invevitable pitfalls that challenge all humans. The great law, above all else was created to ensure integrity of its council members. Great lengths were taken to protect the sacred honor of faithfully representing their people.

The founding fathers of the Constitution of the United States borrowed heavily from the Iroquois system of decision making and governance. However, their approach also drew inspiration from English parliment and included romantic aspirations of recreating the Roman Empire. The great American experiment has always aspired to meet the ideals set forth in the 1776 Declaration of Independence.

Within the Declaration of Independence, the most profound written acknowledgement of Natural Law. Unfortunately the framers omitted Natural Law when writing the U.S. Constitution. Since Natural Law was not formaly established within U.S. Constitutional Law, unscrupulous individuals have over time corrupted the fundamental values that the United States was founded.

The Iroquois system was based on Natural Law, along with an egalitarian world view. The Council Fire Project brings these important concepts to the forefront of global awareness. This project looks back upon the accomplishments of the great law of peace with fresh eyes, remembering and rekindling ancient wisdom. The objective is to recreate a working model of ancient decision making and governance, adapted for our modern world.

Join us for our continuing conversations around the Council fire. New revelations will be shared in a series of epic installments. This is a call for the world to come together as Fire Keepers of the Council Fire. Working together to create a circle model of governance, with an egalitarian world view, ensuring the Creators rights of Natural Law for all life on Mother Earth.


By Leslie Hart

Leslie James Hart- Ancestral wisdom seeker of ancient knowledge. Focusing on Celtic, Plains Native and Peruvian Mountain traditions. Alternative healer using Shamanic practices to help clients. New to homesteading. Also interested in paranormal investigations, will help with clearings and gaining insights.